Changes in mechanical properties of medium manganese steel after forming and heat treatment – POSTER
Leták Radek - University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (Czech Republic)
Solutions and new processes are continually being developed to produce components that demonstrate both high strength and remarkable ductility. This paper focuses on medium manganese steel with a composition of 0.2% carbon, 3% manganese, and 2.15% alumi-num (by weight percent). The steel sheets are shaped using a press tool, followed by an-nealing of the formed omega profiles to enhance the ductility of the resulting components. Prior to the experiment, the anticipated values included a tensile strength (UTS) of ap-proximately 1100 MPa and ductility within the range of 30-35%. A key objective was to achieve a microstructure that incorporates residual austenite. The experimental parame-ters were carefully derived from an extensive exploration aimed at identifying potential weaknesses in the experiment. The main parameters selected were the intercritical an-nealing (IA) temperature and IA dwell time. The results revealed that the highest recorded UTS was 1262±6 MPa, while the maximum elongation achieved was 16±1%.