Abstract Submission and payment of the registration fee

  • one author for each paper, the other authors shall register as regular participant
  • speakers failing to register or to pay by the deadline will not be included in the program and their paper will not be published


  • for submission of abstracts of papers (posters) / extended until December 31, 2024
  • for uploading of full articles / March 15, 2025
  • for uploading of presentations / May 15, 2025

Conference language

The official language of the Conference will be English.

Contents of abstract

Abstracts with keywords in English language have to be sent via the conference website (online form provided) or by e-mail, in the range of 300 – 400 words. The abstract should include: paper title, author´s names and postal address, phone and e-mail, with the name of the presenting author underlined. If enough abstracts are received, the Organising Committee reserves the right to include received papers into the poster session.

Range and format of papers into proceedings

Up to 8 pages incl. pictures, PDF format. Please send papers by e-mail. Deadline for papers is March 15, 2025. You are kindly asked to prepare your manuscript according to the instructions for authors of papers.

English language will be used for all abstracts, papers, posters and oral presentation. The full text of the accepted papers will be published in the electronic proceedings and issued to attendees on arrival at the Conference. Certain papers may be considered for publication in an International Journal of IFHTSE. In the case of publication in an open-access journal or in the case of other journals, extended abstract (min. 4 pages) will be accepted as the manuscript.

Information for the authors of Posters

The poster session will take place on June 4, 2025 from 4:00 p.m.. The authors are kindly requested to come on June 4, 2025 at 4:00 p.m., at the beginning of the meeting of the poster session. The area at the disposal of the authors of posters will be 900 mm x 1500 mm.


Please send your PPT presentation (PowerPoint) until May 15, 2025 on the address conference2025@asociacetz.cz. The name of the presentation should follow the next example with filename of surname_echt2025_titleofpaper.* (*the first 10 symbols of title). If possible, please use the following ppt template (16:9). Length of presentation will be 20 min incl. discussion.

Authors of papers must be present in the conference hall at the beginning of their session.

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Abstract Submission

Aichelin Young Speaker Awards
Burgdorf Poster Awards
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please send the signed Copyright Transfer Form, your paper will not be accepted without this signed form enclosed.
IFHTSE agree